Hey all!
It’s been no surprise that it’s been kind of a crummy year so far for me, such as bad insomnia, getting ill and taking a while to recover from it, etc. The good news is that I learned that there’s something that’s causing ALL of it!
The really bad news is that its Diabetes Type 2. I put on a lot of weight during the pandemic, and I’ve been seriously slacking at tracking what I eat in MyFitnessPal. So, I’ve seen my doctor and will be seeing a dietitian to get this all under control.
The better news is that I’ve been wanting to make serious lifestyle changes anyway; I just wasn’t expecting to do this all so drastically and suddenly.
The slightly worse news is that I’ve been sleeping and physically feeling like crap again.
The best news is that I’m dealing with this all with a good, positive attitude! I’ve been wanting to lose weight anyway! At a rate of 1.5 pounds a week, I’m hoping to lose at least 60 pounds (27.21 kg / 4.28 stone) by the end of the year! I’d like to get down to 200. Then, since I know I am absolutely terrible at maintaining weight on my own, I’d use https://myfitnesspal.com/ to maintain. Hopefully, with enough weight loss, I can get this reversed.
What does this mean for art? Right now it’s been a bit of a struggle to concentrate. I’m focused on my health for now. I’ll give regular updates on how it’s going!
What do I need from you all? I am full up on advice; all I ask for is your continued patience, kindness, and support!